ON ONE HAND the TR has been revered and trusted by ardent Bible-believing Christians since the New Testament was complete.  Our current TR manuscripts are in number of over 5,000 copies; which is 95% of all exant biblical manuscripts: and these Byzantine family manuscripts have almost complete and total agreement.  Not only that, but these manuscripts’ readings have attestation to early 2nd century versions, which predate the earliest Alexandrian mss by nearly 200 years.


ON THE OTHER HAND, in order to advocate for the modern or ecumenical bibles, you have to promote the notion that the Protestant reformers had a faulty and inaccurate text which brought about marvelous revivals, awakenings, and countless salvations.  But the RCC had the correct biblical text, even though they kept their parishioners ignorant of it through the dark ages; and even though the RCC subverted plain biblical doctrines with papal traditions of men called the magisterium.  The truth is: that after Jerome used the corrupt Alexandrian mss to create his ‘new’ Latin bible (to replace the true Latin Bible called the Itala or Old Latin)—Jerome’s Vulgate created the dark ages.  And Biblical illumination (a movement from superstition to the Gospel Truth) wasn’t popular again until Erasmus and Luther discovered the Received Text and the Pauline Gospel of faith in Christ.  Despite these huge obstacles of church history truth: ecumenists have to promote the myth of LXX—and tell you that the Apostle Paul, the Twelve, and Christ the King of the Jews all used it in their ministries!  There is absolutely no evidence of this in the New Testament; and actually is far to the contrary because Paul said “the holy scriptures” were given to the Jews (Rom. 1:2, 3:2).  He was referring to the Hebrew text which he and the other Pharisees so dearly clung to.  The Word of God in flesh, the highest authority on Scripture there is, gave the Hebrew division of the Bible in Luke 11:51, 24:44; and mentioned Hebrew alphabet letters in Matthew 5:17.  Plus, if Christ carried around a LXX in his ministry, he would have authorized the Apocrypha as canonical because the Apocrypha is infused to the canon of the LXX.  And what exactly is the LXX?  And is there any manuscript evidence of a B.C. Septuagint???  Of course not: the earliest LXX is no other than the infamous Vaticanus (B) manuscript itself!  I know Christ didn’t authorize the Apocrypha because you can’t find one single quotation of it from any New Testament writer in the whole New Testament.  As a matter of fact, Paul quoted heathen poetry (Acts 17:28) before he would quote a Deuterocanonical book!  The truth is that the Hebrew Bible orthodox Jews use today, contains the same books they have always had in their canon (the same books the Protestant canon has too) since Moses wrote the Torah or Pentateuch.  Moreover, there is conflict as to when the LXX was supposedly translated and when the Apocryphal books were actually written and how they could have found such a place in a Jewish Bible.  Plus, the idea that 6 translators from each of the 12 twelve tribes would have worked on something like that is false; because the only one tribe that had commission to oversee the Bible, and that was the priests from the tribe of Levi (see Malachi 2:4-7).  Isn’t it funny that the corrupted New Testament readings and the heretical apocryphal books all show up in a manuscript (B) adopted by the world’s greatest apostate church???


But today the decision at the bookstore when buying a bible basically comes down to this: a NIV or a KJV.  The King James Bible was “appointed to be read in churches”.  The NIV would have never gotten such an approval by the Church of England at that time because it is a modern mirror of the Jesuit Rheims bible of 1582.  Plus, the NIV has a copyright on it by Harper-Collins, who also publishes the satanic bible.  However the is no copyright on the AV (see 2 Thess. 3:1; 2 Tim. 2:9).  Also, there 17 entire verses missing in the NIV’s NT: including 1 John 5:7 the greatest Scripture on the Trinity!  Not only that, but there are 64,000 less words in the NIV than the KJV!!!  Not only is the NIV a modern mirror of the Jesuit Rheims 1582, but it also matches the modern day Arians’ NWT of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.



The phrase ‘all roads lead to Rome’ is completely true and especially when it comes the history (past and present) of biblical texts and translations.


The Roman Catholic texts come from philosophers (Acts 17:18; Col. 2:8) in Alexandria, Egypt. (Acts 6:9, 28:11)  God called Egypt the “iron furnace” (Deut. 4:20; Jer. 11:4) and called Israel “his son” out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1) and the Lord also (Matt. 2:15).  So why would you chose Egypt for your manuscript source over Antioch: were the disciples were first called Christians (Acts 11:26) and where Apostle Paul spent a whole year establishing the infant Christian church.


With all this said, it still comes down to this glaring fact; the 5 fundamentals of the Christian faith are all highlighted and exalted in the AV 1611.  But they are diminished and sometimes deleted from the modern bibles.  That fact alone should be a red flag to any Christian: that he should beware of false bibles (Matt. 7:15).  After all, there is a devil loose, and he’s been withstanding the truth of the word of God since Genesis 3:1, “Yea, hath God said?”  I’ll stick to the traditional Scriptures of my Protestant forefathers (Prov. 22:28, 23:10) with the orthodox and Christological readings of the AV 1611.  If you want heterodoxy and apostasy go to the ecumenists, communists, and papists—but please don’t call yourself a Bible-believer!


As for the question of whether or not a translation can be inspired; I answer this.  Obviously when you have a Hebrew OT and a Greek NT the answer to get them both in the same language is TRANSLATION.  And God chose English because it is the universal language of the end-times, spoken more throughout the world than any other language.  Quit listening to what the doubt-raising professor have to say about inadequate translations and listen to what the Holy Spirit said about translations in 2 Sam. 3:10, Col. 1:13, and Heb. 11:5.  In all three instances the translation was an improvement upon the original: a vast improvement too!  Moreover, if you don’t believe in ‘double inspiration’ then you have to reject the Greek NT because all of the apostle's quotations in the NT from the OT were a translation from Hebrew to Greek and then written in the original manuscript.


Brother, let me tell you something, we are in a spiritual war!  Yet our Lord, in his mercy, has not left us without weaponry!  We have “THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT” (Eph. 6:17) which is “SHARPER THAN ANY TWOEDGED SWORD” (Heb. 4:12)!  There is only one Bible I know of that has that kind of sharpness and power—The AV 1611!!!  All the modern versions are so weak, watered-down, and dull that anyone that’s been born-again should be able to notice that after comparing a few Bible versions.


In Jesus Christ’s holy name, I pray, Amen & Amen.


Two options:

Option One: A Holy Bible that’s as good as, yea better than the Geneva of the Pilgrim forefathers and Luther’s German Bible.  Orthodox Scriptures that are historical and complete; and doctrinally Christological.  The Holy Bible of the Philadelphian church (1500-1900) that did more “exploits” (Daniel 11:32) for the Lord than Haribo has Gummi Bears.

Option Two: A twisted and curtailed bible of Egyptians and philosophers who introduced doubt rather than faith.  A heterodox and theologically depleted bible the Roman Catholic church has utilized to advance their heresies, hide the true gospel, and persecute true Bible-believers with.  A bible comparable to the Jesuit Rheims dark age text of 1582 and the Jehovah’s Witnesses NWT.  A Greek text literally “conjured” up by two occultists posing themselves as English high-church scholars (Westcott and Hort).  A biblical text that attached the apocrypha (which was never sanctioned by our Lord or his apostles) to the inspired canon of the Old Testament. A text promoted and adopted by proud, self-absorbed, apostate Laodicean Christians of the deceptive end-times which have produced so much “confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33) in the body of Christ that we look like chickens with our head cut off!